Posted on: September 16, 2022 Posted by: Zak Clarke Comments: 0

Not every personal injury case required the need of a lawyer. If you are not severely injured, and the settlement offer is not sky high, providing a percentage of your compensation by hiring a lawyer may not make any sense. But sometimes, cases that appear minimal at the beginning, are true complex over time and could be handled best by a personal injury lawyer in Seattle. For instance, at the time of the accident the victim’s insurance might have expired, or the minor injury at the time if the accident has turned into a chronic disease in the future. Here are the times when you need to hire an attorney.

If the Claim is Denied

When you are aware that the other party was at fault for the accident or the injuries you have got, but your insurers are not ready to talk to them or take any kind of responsibility, call a lawyer. A personal injury lawyer will help you with their expert opinion and help you get an objective.

If Multiple Parties are Involved

Your case is a complicated one if it has got multiple parties involved. Like three or more vehicles involved in a single accident. 

Some instances of these cases are multiple cars piling up, or a situation involving the employer and multiple employees. The personal injury lawyer will give you insights on such cases and help in sharing the liability of all the people who are involved. 

If a Settlement is Offered

If you are offered a settlement by the defendant or the insurance company, you might consider talking to a personal injury attorney before accepting the offer. The insurance companies are very hard to handle as they will offer you a very less amount for the damages you have faced. And you being a layman, will not have the correct negotiation skills to deal with them. 

A personal injury lawyer is sharp at negotiating and they will help you by dealing with the insurance companies. 


Be it a severe injury or a minor one, you need to consult with a personal injury lawyer for once to get a full insight into the course of your case. They can give you advice and guidance, which only an experienced mind can. They will also save you time, energy, and money.